How many sessions will I need to feel better?

This very much depends on what your symptoms are and how long you have had them for. Most people start to feel a difference after the first or second treatment, but it usually takes a little longer to achieve lasting benefits that sustain. I generally tell patients to expect to come weekly for about 4-5 sessions and then, providing they feel better, to start spacing treatments out.

What happens when I come for treatment?

The initial intake session involves a detailed case history where I will ask about your main complaint, but also any other issues you may have. We’ll also discuss medical issues or significant life events you may have had in your childhood, and about any health conditions in your close family. I will undertake some physical diagnostics, and you will then receive your acupuncture treatment.

Regular sessions involve a chat about how you have been feeling since your last treatment and an acupuncture treatment.

Does it hurt?

A lot of people worry that the treatments may be painful. The reality is that the needles used are very fine and flexible, much thinner than hypodermic needles. Most people feel nothing at all while some experience a very slight scratch as the needle enters the skin.

Once inserted, people notice a sensation that can be described as spreading, heat, movement or a dull ache, which means that the acupuncture point has been activated in the way intended. Whilst this sensation can be unusual it is not considered to be uncomfortable or painful and usually only lasts a matter of seconds.

Is it safe?

Acupuncture is considered one of the safest medical treatments on offer in the UK. Any minor adverse effects that do occur such as dizziness, bruising or bleeding are infrequent, mild and resolve on their own. For more information regarding the safety of acupuncture, see the British Acupuncture Council’s website.